Brotherly Love!!!

(Click on Pic to see Album)

Le Football Americain en Belgique

Hanging out watching a little football with my friend
Gil who will be coming to Texas next summer

Oh yes, that would be a smoke at half time
And furthermore...that that would be the ref doing the same

Good Ol' Belgian Buddies

On Your Mark, Get Set, Go SFC!

We had a wonderful time representing Christ & SFC in the Brussels 20K among 28,000 other participants. Check out the slide show below with all the wonderful/interesting personalities that were present for this race!

Blake's School Perfomance: Rock Around The Clock

We will post the video of Blake's performance once we receive it from his teacher

Belgian Speedway: Landon's School Performance

Click Photo To See Funny Video!

Children's Outreach In Brussels

Oh, how I miss working with children! As many of you know I have spent many years working with children as caseworker, teacher, and administrator! I did not realize how much I missed this life until this past week. Steve & Deane Turley (Missionaries from Kentucky serving in Belgium) brought in a group from Kentucky for a short-term missions trip. Nicole and I were happy in helping out & joining in on a special week long outreach project ministering to kids in a immigration community in Brussels. It was a week long of street games, music, activities, and fun. It was an awesome experience!

SFC Alumni Banquet

Nicole did a fabulous job decorating for the 10 Year Anniversary of SFC Belgium. It was a wonderful evening spent with SFC friends. We were happy that Sonya & Sergai were able to join us for this event. God has truly blessed us by bringing this couple into our lives. They have blessed us in so many ways.
See Video Regarding Rising Number of Suicides In Belgium Current Suicide Rate: 7 Suicides Each Day/ 70,000 Attempts Each Year... Never Underestimate The Power of Prayer...It's A Life or Death Matter...Pray, Pray, Pray!

A Fun Time In The Snow...A Bit Cold For This Texan

After picking Blake up from school today we had a little suprise waiting... a fun time in the snow at the park. One of our students Sarah (from France) joined in on the fun as well. From snowball fights to attempts of building a snowman... we all had a blast! Click Here For More Pics On Facebook

Click Here & See Video

How Many SFC Students Can You Pack Into A Small Apartment? 2008 SFC Mons Christmas Party

Open the widows & doors... and make room for over 30 SFC Mons Students. We had a wonderful time with SFC Mons family celebrating Christmas with a night of food, fun, and fellowship. Nothing like a good ol' American hotdog and African cuisine to get the party started!

Click Here & See More Pics on Facebook

See Also Christmas Eve Party

See Also Christmas Day With The Bonin & Koeshel Family

A Great Day In Brugge (The Vienna of Belgium)

We had a wonderul day in the city of Brugge (the Vienna of Belgium). It was a bit cold though... cold encough that all the waterways were frozen over. The ducks & swans seem to have enjoyed themselves though as they slipped around on the ice.
Click Here & See More Pics on Face Book

"IMPACT": SFC Mons Retreat in Zaventem

Unforgettable Memories...As the sky was filled with snow, our hearts were filled with the joy of the Lord at our weekend retreat in Zaventem. We were blessed with a wonderful time of fellowship, worship, and hearing of God's word. My cup runneth over...I was really touched by the presence of God this weekend. This is an experience that none of us will ever forget.
It was a true blessing to have met Benoit & Anne-Catherine from Leuven. We strongly feel on both ends that God has placed us on each others path for a reason. Nicole and I look forward to spending more time with this fine couple in the days ahead. They both have been wonderfully blessed with gifts and talents that make them a powerful team for God's kingdom.